Be ye DOERS OF THE WORD and not hearers only deceiving your ownselves James 1:22







      These are new songs written by David Middleton for the body of Christ.

1. If My People - 2 Chr. 7:14 - Dm
2. Behold, I've Given You Authority - Lk. 10:19 - Am
3. I Am Your Battle Axe And Weapon Of War - Jere. 51:20 - Dm
4. The Tithing Song - Mal. 3:8-10 - Cm
5. Signs Shall Follow You That Believe - Mk. 16:17-18 - Dm
6. I Worship You, My Father - Dm
7. God's Healing Song - G
8. The Revelation Of God's Character - G
9. The Lord Takes Away All Your Judgments - Zeph 3:15 - Eb
10. I Shall Become Righteous - 2 Cor 5:21 - Eb
11. Thank You, Father, Thank You, Jesus - C
12/13. Being Filled With The Spirit / Worship The Father In Spirit & In Truth - G
14. Accurate New Testament Prayer - Dm
15. Pursue & Conquer, Army Of God - Dm
16. Make Your Mouth Work For Me - C
17. Trust In The Lord - C
18. I Have Built My House Upon The Rock - C


Below are Archives of the Doers Of The Word 15-minute radio program aired on radio stations in the United States & in other parts of the world. Radio programs are listed by date as aired.


11-29-24 - Blessing 1
12-2-24 - Blessing 2
12-3-24 - Blessing 3
12-4-24 - Blessing 4
12-5-24 - Blessing 5
12-6-24 - Blessing 6
12-9-24 - Blessing 7
12-10-24 - Blessing 8
12-11-24 - Warfare Mentality 1
12-12-24 - Warfare Mentality 2
12-13-24 - Warfare Mentality 3
12-16-24 - Warfare Mentality 4
12-17-24 - Warfare Mentality 5
12-18-24 - Blood 1
12-19-24 - Blood 2
12-20-24 - Blood 3
12-23-24 - Blood 4
12-24-24 - Blood 5
12-25-24 - Blood 6
12-26-24 - Blood 7
12-27-24 - Blood 8
12-30-24 - Blood 9
12-31-24 - Word 1
1-1-25 - Word 2
1-2-25 - Word 3
1-3-25 - Word 4
1-6-25 - Word 5
1-7-25 - Word 6
1-8-25 - Sower 1
1-9-25 - Sower 2
1-10-25 - Sower 3
1-13-25 - Sower 4
1-14-25 - Sower 5
1-15-25 - Sower 6
1-16-25 - Doer 1
1-17-25 - Doer 2
1-20-25 - Doer 3
1-21-25 - Doctrine 1
1-22-25 - Doctrine 2
1-23-25 - Doctrine 3
1-24-25 - Doctrine 4
1-27-25 - Covenant 1
1-28-25 - Covenant 2
1-29-25 - Covenant 3
1-30-25 - Covenant 4
1-31-25 - Covenant 5
2-3-25 - Conquer Sin 1
2-4-25 - Conquer Sin 2
2-5-25 - Conquer Sin 3
2-6-25 - Conquer Sin 4
2-7-25 - Conquer Sin 5
2-10-25 - Conquer Sin 6
2-11-25 - Conquer Sin 7
2-12-25 - Conquer Sin 8


Copyright 2019 - David F. Middleton, Pastor - All Rights Reserved