Be ye DOERS OF THE WORD and not hearers only deceiving your ownselves James 1:22



Volume 1. No. I


Walking In The Spiritual Realm

Breaking Generational Curses

How To Intercede Effectively

Accurate New Testament Prayer

Partner Information


Every human being is made of three parts - spirit, soul, and body. We are a spirit. We have a soul which is made up of our will, intellect, and emotions. We live in a physical body. When we become a Christian, we are born again. That means that we have experienced a spiritual birth from God. We get a new spirit, the spirit of Christ Jesus.

Our spirit is in rightstanding with God. Our new spirit is now life because of righteousness. Our relationship with Him has been restored. Now we can walk in fellowship with Him.

According to I Pet. 2:5, we are being built up a spiritual house. This occurs through the Word of God which is spirit and life. As we study the Bible, the Holy Spirit takes the Word and writes it in our heart and mind. In our heart, the Word produces faith. In our mind, it produces hope.

As we continue in the Word, we grow strong in spirit. We are transformed by the renewing of our minds to the truth. We replace a carnal mind with a spiritual mind. With a spiritual mind, we think "what does the Word say that I should do".

As we receive the Word of God, the Holy Spirit brings a revelation of the spiritual blessings that we have in Christ. As we learn how to pray in the spirit with our spirit and with our understanding, we see these spiritual blessings become natural realm realities. We also see the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus manifest to make us free from the law of sin and death.

As we seek the Lord, He gives us a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. He opens the eyes of our spiritual understanding. He guides us under the spirit of holiness in the way of holiness so that we are holy even as He is holy.

We realize that we must walk in the spirit so that we do not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. In fact, we mortify the deeds of the flesh through the spirit. We understand that what we sow we shall reap. If we sow to the flesh, of the flesh we will reap corruption. But if we sow to the spirit, of the spirit we will reap everlasting life.

If we continue in the spirit, we will see the fruit of the spirit manifest in our life. Now that we have begun in the spirit, we cannot draw back into the flesh. We know that we must overcome temptation by obeying the Word of god. Our spirit is always ready and willing while the flesh is weak and strengthless.

As we learn our spiritual authority in Christ, we serve Him in spirit. We enter into spiritual warfare against our spiritual enemies. We intercede in the spirit to pull down principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in heavenly places. We also cast out demon spirits to come out of all captivity. We wield the sword of the spirit by speaking the Word to smite the enemy. We put our spirit of faith to work for as we believe, so shall we speak. Are you walking in the spiritual realm? It is the only way that leads to victory!



In Numbers 14:18, the Bible states, "The Lord is long-suffering, and of great mercy, forgiving iniquity and trans-gression, and by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation". This means that there are inherited generational curses passing down the inheritance line affecting every person from the previous three or four generations.

How do these inherited iniquity curses occur? In Lamentations 5:7, the Bible states, "Our fathers have sinned, and are not; and we have borne their iniquities". From this scripture, we see that our fathers' sins caused iniquity to be in their heart resulting in the children bearing their iniquities. Thus, the iniquities of the fathers bring inherited generational curses upon the children whichpass into the child at the time of conception.

What is a curse? A curse is the result of sin and iniquity. It is the opposite of a blessing. According to Deuteronomy 28:15 and following, curses occur because of the sin of not obeying the voice of the Lord and doing His commandments. These curses include sickness, mental problems, relationship problems, hindrances to prosperity, and various kinds of destruction.

In order for a curse to come into effect, there must be a cause. Proverbs 26:2 states, "...the curse causeless shall not come". Whether you realize it or not, a curse always comes because of a cause. Not only does it come from inheritance, it can also occur because of sin and iniquity in your own life. In Dan. 9:11, the Bible says, "Yea, all Israel have transgressed thy law, even by departing, that they might not obey thy voice; therefore the curse is poured upon us.-.because we have sinned against him".

I have found from more than thirteen years of daily counseling and over ten thousand hours of deliverance ministry that the number one negative influence in a person's life is inherited generational curses. The truth is that all have sinned and all are affected by the iniquity of their inheritance line in some way. This is clearly seen when you think about the problems in your life and realize that your forefathers had similar problems. For example, a grandmother had cancer, then a mother had cancer, and now the child has cancer. This is the result of inherited generational curses.

Curses are spiritual first and then manifest in some manner in our life. We all need to realize that every person has a spiritual inheritance. Spiritual blessings pass to us because of obedience while spiritual curses pass due to disobedience. Medical doctors and psychiatrists have long understood that our inheritance line affects us physically and mentally and will inquire of your physical and mental family history. Christians must realize that we have a spiritual inheritance. This spiritual inheritance reveals why we are the way we are. When you discover the inherited generational curses in your life, then you can break them.

Sin and iniquity are the spiritual dooropeners to a curse. When a person sins, he gives "place to the devil" (Eph. 4:27). Ecclesiastes 10:8b states "whoso breaketh an hedge, a serpent shall bite him". A serpent is a type of a demon spirit who carries out Satan's destructive work against a person. Sin breaks the hedge of protection giving place to the devil and allowing demon spirits from Satan to bring about the curse in one's life. Sin gives Satan the spiritual legal right to accomplish this evil work. The inherited curses are enforced by demon spirits who have a legal right of entrance into a person. To break an inherited curse, we must first bind all demonic spirits enforcing the curse. Secondly, we must confess and remit (send forth) the sins and iniquities of our forefathers in all previous generations that have caused the curse. Thirdly, we must cast out the demons that have enforced the curse. There can be quite a network of demons involved in enforcing an inherited generational curse. Thus, one must continually cast out all demonic spirits that have enforced the curse until they are all gone. What inherited generational curses are affecting you in your life? Make a list of all of the inherited curses affecting you physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and financially. Then follow the steps outlined above and break the inherited generational curses affecting your life!



Intercession is of great importance to see the will of God come to pass in the earth. It must be a priority in the life of every believer. As we intercede effectively, we release the power of God against the enemy to bring forth God's will in the earth. The kingdom of God is a spiritual kingdom and we have a spiritual enemy, the devil, who has a kingdom of darkness.

Jesus redeemed us from the enemy and took back spiritual legal authority in the earth and the heavens. He then delegated this authority to the church and gave us the responsibility to use it to overcome the works of the enemy. Through the authority delegated to us in the name of Jesus, we pull down the kingdom of darkness through spiritual warfare. Intercession wages the spiritual battle in the heavenlies against Satanic forces. As we win the battle in the spiritual realm, we will bring down the kingdoms of this world under the control of Satan and bring forth the rule of God in the earth.

The church must understand that the spiritual realm controls the natural realm. When the body of Christ wins the battle in the spiritual realm, the natural realm situations will change. The powerful results of effective intercessory prayer will be the pulling down of all of the strongholds of Satan over individuals, families, cities, and nations.

You must understand what it means to intercede. You must know what you are doing in the spirit during intercession. When you know what is happening when you intercede, you will have faith in your intercession. Then you will be effective!.

As an effective intercessor, we will strike against the enemy with persistence. We will light upon and hit the mark in the spiritual realm against the Satanic spirits in the heavenlies. We will fall upon the enemy to his destruction. We will wrestle against the principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, and the spiritual wickedness in heavenly places. We will make up the hedge of protection and plug up the gaps in order to stand and prevail in the battle. We will lift off and remove the weaknesses from the impotent and the heavy weights from the oppressed. We will root out, pull down, destroy, and overthrow the enemy in the heavenlies.

As we intercede, we invade the heavenlies and seize control of it from the devil. We pray according to the Word of God with our understanding by binding and loosing the Satanic forces in the heavenlies and casting them down. We also pray with our spirit in tongues and enter into groaning and travailing in the spirit to deliver people and places from Satanic bondage and to birth into being the will of God in the earth.

Jesus was an intercessor who prayed fervently with strong crying and tears and groaned in the spirit. Now Jesus has entered into a high priestly ministry. His intercession on our behalf is activated through our prayers of intercession. As we pray with fasting, we let go of the natural realm and release the power of God in the spiritual realm, as we fast and pray, we loose the bands of wickedness, undo the heavy burdens, let the oppressed go free, and break every yoke of bondage.

To be effective in inter-cession, you must be established in righteousness. That comes by knowing that you have been made the righteousness of God in Christ and by walking in right fellowship with the Lord as you are a consistent hearer and doer of the Word. The eyes of the Lord are over the righteous and His ears are open to your prayers. Surely the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous believers releases great power.

Qualities necessary to be effective as an intercessor include commitment, discipline, love, boldness, fervency, sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, and perseverance. As you develop in the labor of intercession, you will see the manifest rule and reign of the kingdom of God in your life, in the body of Christ, and in the earth. Christ will be formed in new believers and Christians will be complete in all the will of God. Multitudes in the valley of decision will be birthed into the family of God.

Have you taken your place as an intercessor for the Lord? To help you do so, consider obtaining my book, "How To Intercede Effectively. It will teach you the principles of intercession in praying with your understanding and your spirit. As you apply them, you will enter into His labor and be mightily used of the Lord!



Do you know how to pray accurately according to the New Testament? If you do, you should be seeing tremendous results in prayer. If you are not seeing results, you need to examine how you pray to see if it is in line with the Word of God.

I have found that most Christians do not know how to pray accurately according to the New Testament. We must understand that there has been a change in how we are to pray from the Old Testament to the New Testament. In the Old Testament, they prayed to God or the Lord God. In the New Testament, we now pray to our Heavenly Father. In the Old Testament, they prayed as servants with no free approach to God while in the New Testament, we pray as children of God with a free approach into the throne of God.

In the Old Testament, they made their petition asking and requesting of God that He would hear and attend to their prayer and not hide from it hoping that He would answer it. In the New Testament, we pray a prayer of faith in line with God's Word with boldness and confidence knowing that it will come to pass. In the New Testament, we now pray knowing that our prayer will release the power of God to manifest His presence to meet our daily needs, to bring forth His rule and reign, to keep us in right fellowship free from temptation, to deliver us from evil, and to bring forth His will on earth as in heaven.

Jesus taught that there would be a change in prayer from the Old to the New Testament. Old Testament prayer approached God with erotao (request as a favor) while New Testament prayer approaches the Father in the name of Jesus with aiteo (legal demand of something due). In the New Testament, we don't go to the Father and request Him to give us the promises of God. Instead, we legally demand the Father to release the promises to us which already are ours because of the finished work of Jesus.

Making a legal demand is like writing a check. We write a check to release the money that belongs to us from the bank to the person we wrote the check to. The prayer of legal demand is made to release the promises of God that belong to us in Christ from the heavenly bank to benefit our lives. We make accurate prayer of legal demand by bringing specific scriptures to the Father in the name of Jesus for the promises to be released in our life.

Aiteo is the way of New Testament prayer. All the major prayer scriptures in the New Testament use the Greek word aiteo. Believers in Christ never prayed erotao in the New Testament era. However, Jesus prayed erotao because He was living and operating under the Old Covenant. Jesus taught aiteo for the New Testament era but never prayed aiteo because He was in heaven at the right hand of God when the New Testament came into force.

Because aiteo is the way of New Testament prayer, let us pray accurately by making our legal demand by bringing the Word of God to the Father in the name of Jesus. As we legally demand in prayer, there is absolute confidence that the Father has heard us and that our legal demand shall come to pass as long as we do not legally demand amiss with the wrong motive of serving our lusts.

To pray accurately and get results, we must pray a prayer of faith. There are two important aspects to the prayer of faith - receiving and thanksgiving. In the receiving aspect, the Greek word used is important to understand. There are two main words translated "receive" in the New Testament. One is dechornai which means a ready reception of what is offered to you. The other is lambano which means to take hold of or more accurately a self-prompted taking hold of. Lambano is an active reception while dechornai is a passive reception.

Having knowledge of which Greek word is used for "receive" is very important so that we understand whether we do something in "receiving" from the Lord in prayer or whether we wait for God to do something. Do we actively receive with a self-prompted taking hold of the promise of God or do we passively receive with an attitude of having a ready reception to what is offered to us? In other words, do we reach out and take hold of the promise or do we wait for the promise to be given from God with a ready receptive attitude?

As you study the Greek, you find that the word used in New Testament prayer is lambano. Thus, in receiving in prayer, we are to take hold of the promise. This principle of taking hold of the promise is very important to see results. Many Christians have prayed believing God but never received. The reason is because they prayed believing God with a passive receptive attitude.

Instead of passive reception, we are to actively receive by taking hold of the promise with our faith. When they said that they never received, they meant that they never got the promise. Receiving (lambano) doesn't mean that you get the promise. It means that you take hold of the promise. When you actively take hold of the promise, then you will get it!

How do we take hold of the promise? We take hold of it in the spiritual realm. We do not feel it or take hold of it naturally. We take hold of it spiritually with our faith. The way we take hold of something spiritually with our faith is by praying words out of our mouth. We simply say, "I believe that I take hold of the promise. When we pray a prayer of faith, we should always believe that we take hold of the promise and then we will get it.

The second aspect of the prayer of faith is thanksgiving. Thanksgiving shows forth faith. We do not come to the Father and request of Him to give us the promises. Why not? It is because we know that the Father already gave them to us. Thus, there is no need for us to ask the Father for something that He already gave us. We simply come and take the promise from the Father sayjng "thank you for the promise".

Thus, thanksgiving shows the Father that we believe that the promises have been given to us and that we receive them from Him. Thanksgiving further shows the Father that we believe that He has heard our prayer and that we have confidence in Him knowing that it will come to pass. We are only established in faith when we are abounding with thanksgiving. As we give thanks to the Father in the name of Jesus always for all things that are ours in Christ and in every situation which we face in life, the promises of God shall be released to bring forth the will of God in our life!

How often are we to pray to see results? We should pray continuously. Praying more than once is not doubt or unbelief as long as we pray in line with the principles of accurate New Testament prayer. We can pray continuously and still be in faith.

The Word talks about praying without ceasing which literally means to pray uninterruptedly, unintermittedly, and don't leave until through. Thus, to "pray through" is accurate scripturally. The truth concerning praying continuously is clearly evident when we examine the tenses of the verbs. The verbs in several major prayer scriptures are in the present tense. The Greek present tense denotes continuous and repeated action until the desired result is accomplished. Therefore, accurate prayer involves praying continuously and repeatedly until we see the desired results.

This truth is contrary to what many have taught. Many have taught that you pray the prayer of faith only once and then your faith is released. They declare from that point on that you are to stand on your faith that has been released. It is thought that you release your faith only at a point in time to produce results. However, the Word teaches contrary to this teaching.

Our faith can continually be released in prayer to receive a promise, to move a mountain, or to minister to a need in someone's life. Each time our faith is released, it is doing something. It may not have accomplished the results the first time it was released. We may need to apply our faith many times or even continuously until we see the desired result!

Why do we have to keep releasing our faith? It is because of our enemy, Satan, who works to hinder the promise from coming to pass. Even though the enemy may hinder, continuous prayer in faith will prevail and the promise shall come to pass.

Therefore, we are to pray to the Father in the name of Jesus making our legal demand by bringing a scripture promise to Him from the Word of God. We continually do this and take hold of the promise spiritually by speaking with our mouth that we believe that we receive or take hold of it with thanksgiving. As we continually do this and eliminate any hindrances, we will see the desired results of accurate New Testament prayer!

If you have not read my book on accurate New Testament prayer, I encourage you to get it. It contains scripture after scripture proving the statements made in this article. When you apply these principles, you will see results in prayer!


PARTNER INFORMATION  Go To Table of Contents

This letter is written to give you information regarding becoming a partner with me in ministry. Several have asked for information.

First, let me tell you a little information about myself. I have been born-again for over 40 years. The Lord called me into ministry in 1979. Soon after graduating from Bible School, the Lord directed me to pioneer a church to be named Jesus Is Lord Outreach Center in Columbus, Ohio where I pastored for over 28 years. I am now pastoring a church in Phoenix, Arizona since December, 2009. The emphasis of our ministry has been on teaching believers the Word uncompromisingly and leading them to be doers of the Word.

I have always been very outreach minded. I have been teaching the Word of God daily on the "Doers Of The Word" radio and television programs for many years. In 1984, the Lord brought me into the understanding of deliverance and how to break inherited generational curses. Since January of 1987, I have ministered in a Healing, Deliverance, & Counseling Center weekly. I have ministered in excess of 20,000 hours of deliverance over the past 30 years to over 4,000 Christians in individual deliverance sessions and to over 50,000 Christians in over 100 deliverance seminars in the USA and in 11 other countries. I have seen the Lord set believers free from all kinds of bondages physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and financially.

My program is dedicated to teaching important practical principles from the Word of God so that believers can walk in victory. This includes teaching about casting out demons and breaking curses. Most believers do not understand about the need for deliverance and how to cast demons out of themselves. They have not known of inherited generational curses and how to break them, how to walk in the spiritual realm, how to put on the armor of God, how to pray accurate New Testament prayer, how to intercede effectively, how to take hold of the promises of God, etc.

So many in the body of Christ are defeated and not seeing the promises of God come to pass in their life. It is because of a lack of knowledge and understanding of what to do. Most believers have done what they have heard and not seen results thus far. The Lord has called me to reach out by teaching and giving answers from the Word in order that they might enter into victory. That is the call upon this ministry.

I believe the Lord wants this broadcast to spread throughout this nation and the world. In order to do that, it takes a considerable amount of money monthly to cover the costs of broadcasting. There is a need for financial partners who having caught the vision of this ministry will provide consistent financial, support. Some have already become partners. I want to thank those of you who have been giving to this ministry. Please pray and see if the Lord would have you to become a financial partner with me.

If you would like to become a partner, please write me or call me at (602) 279-5212 or Toll Free at 1-877-77DOERS [773-6377]. For those who become financial partners, I will send you a free cd or dvd monthly.

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Copyright 2007 - David F. Middleton, Pastor - All Rights Reserved